Wirehaired Vizsla
Club of America
Official AKC Parent Club
The Wirehaired Vizsla Club of America was formed in 2003, in response to a need for breed rescue. Seven WHVs, from puppies to adults, have been rescued and placed by WHVCA Rescue since 2003. We have elected a Board of Directors and incorporated the club as a non-profit organization, in 2007. The growth of this club has been very encouraging with the interest in not only hunting, but conformation showing and other performance events. As a club, we have had a Fun Hunt in Texas, two Fun conformation matches, held in GA and NC, and are looking forward to two more in 2009, one in KS in May, and another in Georgia in the fall of '09. We are participating in "Meet the Breed" presentations at shows around the country. Our first WHVCA Annual Meeting is set for the last weekend in April of 2009 with a Fun Match and fun Hunt planned. I have been a member of the WHVCA since 2006, have been on the Board of Directors since shortly thereafter, and have had an intrumental influence in getting the WHV accepted into the AKC-FSS program. We have high hopes of being accepted into the Misc class of the AKC in the near future!

First Fun Hunt - Hubbard Texas, April 6, 2008
First Conformation Fun Match - Perry Ga, May 17, 2008
Conformation Fun Match - Concord NC, November 14, 2008
WHVCA First Annual Meeting - Taylor Tx, April 25, 2009
Conformation Fun Match - Edgerton Kansas - May 16, 2009
This page was last updated: February 26, 2021
August 22, 2009 - Conformation Fun Match - Atlanta, Georgia
January 8, 2008 - The Wirehaired Vizsla is accepted by the AKC for inclusion in the Foundation Stock Service!
July 9, 2008- The WHVCA potitions to the AKC for permission to exhibit the WHV in performance and companion events and is approved!
The Wirehaired Vizsla is allowed to participate in Performance and Companion events, January 1, 2009
Please join the WHVCA and let us know where you feel you can help the club most!
Please join the WVCA and let us know where you feel you can help the club most!
February 8, 2010 - The Wirehaired Vizsla is approved by
the AKC to move into the Miscellaneous Class on 1/1/11!
Dog Wash Fund Raiser - Hoschton Ga, July 18, 2010
2010 WHVCA National Annual Meeting!
WHVCA 2010 National Annual Meeting - Salina Ks, October 1-3, 2010
Dog Wash Fund Raiser - Hoschton Ga, November 13, 2010
2011 WHVCA National Annual Meeting & Open Show!
Held in Atlanta Ga in conjunction with the Georgia Classic Cluster
Atlanta Expo Center South, 3850 Jonesboro Rd, Atlanta Ga
~Friday All breed show and AKC Misc/Fss Open Show
~ Saturday All Breed show and Judges Seminar on the Wirehaired Vizsla
Annual Meeting and Dinner with Awards
~ Sunday All Breed show and AKC Water Test for Pointing Breeds
~ 2012 WVCA 4th National Events!! ~
The Wirehaired Vizsla Club of America - Annual Meeting and AKC National Event Open Show!
Held in Topeka Kansas
Friday, August 17, 2012 - WVCA AKC Water Test for Pointing Breeds
Saturday, August 18, 2012 - WVCA National Conformation Event Open Show
~ 2013 WVCA 5th National Events!! ~
The Wirehaired Vizsla Club of America - Annual Meeting and AKC National Event Specialty!
Held in Louisville Ky
Saturday, March 16, 2013 - WVCA National Conformation Event Open Show
2014 WVCA Annual Meeting & FIRST National
Supported Entry as an AKC recognized breed!
Held in Greeley Co in September 2014!!
2015 WVCA Annual Meeting & National Supported Entry
Held in Oaks Mo in September 2015!!
2016 WVCA Annual Meeting & National Supported Entry
Held in Lexington Ky in September 2016!!
Please enjoy our club's humble beginnings!!